Monday, February 20, 2012

A Call to Arms....let's tease 'em

So, the past few blogs have been dedicated to excerpts from my upcoming book, "Off the Rails and Other Tales", an anthology of isolation stories, which all spawned from my twisted mind.  I've been telling you why I think they'd make good movies if I get the chance to develop them into scripts and dishing out little tastes of the stories the book will hold.  All in all it will have 5 stories of varying lengths.  The "mother ship" story (hey, I'm a sci-fi guy) will be "Off the Rails", which I'm finishing edits on now.

Since I've been told I'm a visual writer I think maybe visuals will help sell the book more than even short clippings from each story will.  To that end I will be releasing 5 images over the next two weeks that hint at and then end with the cover art design we're considering.

My faithful blog readers, few though you may be, it is with this that i need  your help.  We need to get these story snippets and visual references out there before the book hits the Internet.  People have to be expecting it.  Wanting it.  Waiting for it. Needing it.

This is it.  You're my marketing team and these blogs are your tools.  Tell me if you need more and I'll do what I can to provide it when I deem it appropriate.

I thank you all in advance for you help.

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