Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Haunting Yourself

I haunt myself.
When I have things I need to do (See, the "Needtos" blog), I leave reminders all over the house to make sure I don't forget.  It makes for a cluttered lifestyle, but it's a lot harder to put things off when they're constantly staring you in the face.  I guess after awhile they become part of the landscape and you sort of get better at not wincing every time you see a reminder of an unfinished project, but still, occasionally, it will catch your eye the right way and light a new fire under you to get moving on that long lost idea again.

Most recently, I am haunted by my new pull up bar and the assistance band I bought to go with it. (Unboxing video coming to my YouTube channel soon).  It's hanging in my doorway with the assist apparatus hung over it.  Right in the hallway.  My understanding wife hasn't complained, but it's only been a day.

The problem is, basically, even with the help, I can get one or two good chin ups and one or two good pull ups out before I need a significant recovery.  So, I set the bar up so that I can hit it whenever I pass by it.  One or two in the morning.  A couple of pull ups when I head to the shower.  Maybe one or two more after the shower, if I don't think they'll sweat me up (in this cold spell lately, not a big problem.)  It's right across from my office, so I am probably going to attempt a pull up after this blog.  It's on the way to the bedroom and bathroom, next to the basement door leading down to my basement and currently where my gorilla suit is stored.  I cannot escape it unless I go out through the backyard, where a pile of wood that needs to be chopped is in a corner mocking me.  I can't go anywhere around my house without being reminded that I have some goals and need to exercise in order to achieve them.  This is a good thing, I think.  A positive haunting.  A reminder that in those moments between working, filming, peeing, sleeping, showering and grooming, I still need to sneak in a little exercise.

Winters are especially tough time to motivate myself to get active, so I haunt myself.

With what do you haunt yourself?  Does it work?  

1 comment:

  1. The Haunting is working so far. I did skip a day, but I was aware of it the whole time. I need to rest the muscles now and then. I was already able to remove a band for "chin up", but traditional pull ups are going to take a lot more work.
