Thursday, August 5, 2021

60 second film school

 Actually, maybe even shorter than that depending on how quickly you read.

I took a drone shot I pictured being able to use as an establishing shot the other day.  It's slow decent from over main street down to the street sign.  Trouble is, I didn't have a specific project in mind when I shot it. I just used the available light, which was pretty lousy because it was an overcast day in spots, and grabbed the footage while I had the time and a Visual Observer to help me fly safely.

What I would up with was a pretty generic piece of footage.  So generic in fact it's possibilities are "endless".  Or, at least there are two or three ways it can be used.

Here is a video in which I decided to try to two of the ways out.  A happy, family T.V. show kind of shot.  The type that would be used during the opening of the show or to establish where they are after a commercial break.  And then, a decidedly darker shot.  Something suggesting horror or suspense.  The same shot, but with music and colors that will cause a sense of foreboding.

Watch for yourself and see what you think.

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