Saturday, June 19, 2021

When things start happening for your movie...three years later.

 I made Jack vs Lanterns, quite awhile ago.  Did a little independent release of it and didn't really make back the production costs.
Finally, I got up the courage to submit to the one distributor I thought would handle right, Wild Eye Releasing.  They needed some deliverables I didn't yet have and being already a few grand down on the project, I got to work on them myself.  I have two other jobs.  Might have been three at the time.
So, I got to work, slowly, getting the deliverables together.  They were a big help along the way as were Fresh Music Library and the gang from Movie Captioner

Like all distributors they promised me some promo copies of my very own.  Unlike many, they delivered.  Quickly.  And they're beautiful.

This is one of my favorites of my own movies because of the cast involved and because I had made a toy of the monster involved this movie from other action figures and Halloween decorations back when I was about 9 years old.  That's like...well it was last century at the very least, and the beasts in the movie, goofy as they may look, are the realization of a 9 year old's dreams and nightmares and Halloween spooky adventures.

And if you'd like to see the new trailer:

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