Saturday, May 1, 2021

A-D-D and production

 A bit of constant distraction comes with being creative.  If you only see what everyone else sees, you'll never come up with new and exciting ideas.  But, this desire to explore new and old ideas alike can lead to some bad distractions too.  I've got a shoot planned for tomorrow.  It's already uncertain which movie I'll be shooting, because we're basing it on the weather.  Same cast, but different degrees of complexity.  The in studio is easy.  The outside stuff, not so much.  But it's a script I really want to get shot as it's a bit of a gift to my new, super reliable, up and coming actress, Felicia Mathis.  She started as a "scare actor" in haunted houses, helped me on a short and has been doing films with me every since.  She's just about ready for a feature.  But,  you can read more about that when I interview her for the Cult Goddess Blog.
For now, the thing is, she's been acting in sci-fi and monster movies for me and she's really more of a slasher, blood and guts horror fan.  So, I wrote a slasher type for her to star in and scheduling it, between life, her new job, real estate and photography and my studying for drone pilot certification has been really difficult.  But, we've got a schedule set for tomorrow afternoon.  If the weather is good.

Here is where my ADD comes in.  I'm super excited to shoot this.  But, I'm also supposed to be in it. (I'm  an understudy for a main character).  My garage is doubling as a set.  There is a scene featuring Dom and costumes to get ready.  Have I done any of these things?  Nope.  All the components are here, and mostly ready, but they need that last bit of dress and prep.  What did I do this week?

Sure.  That's fun, but I really need to get my firm old ass into gear.
Oh, and I am typing this while I should be helping Nancy paint the porch walls.

Want to know a secret?  This is me FOCUSED.
Less than five things to do at a given time and my brain goes into overdrive and I can't concentrate on anything.

So, don't let distractions scare you.  They're a good thing, sometimes and a thing to be overcome other times.  They're definitely bad when driving, flying a drone or working with sharp power tools.
When it's safe to be distracted, however, enjoy the creative directions it can bring you in and make new, or old, things happen.

Did I mention I've been making a miniature space station and painting an astronaut back pack all week too?

Here's a Felicia Mathis short to make your day.
Also featuring our friend, Merri Cash.

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